vendredi 29 juillet 2011

My struggle to remain pseudonymous on Google+, act 1

Here is a copy of the mail I have received today from the Google Profiles team after my profile was blocked without warning.

Thank you for contacting us with regard to our review of the name you are
trying to use in your Google Profile. After review of your appeal, we have
determined that the name you want to use violates our Community Standards.
You can review our name guidelines at

If you edit your name to comply with our policies in the future, please
respond to this email so that we can re-review your profile.

The Google Profiles Support Team"

And here is the answer, I've just sent to them.

"Dear Duyen,

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am XXX  XXX  XXX. This is my full name as it appears on my Google+ profile, but in the "other names" field not what you call the "profile name" field.
In my Google+ circles I have both people that know me by my real name and others that only identify me as the pseudonym I have been using across the internet for the last five years.
That pseudonym is connected to a vast social graph, which can be easily verified given the links I have included on my Google profile.
My current settings allow everyone to see my pseudonym, but only the ones I have included in a few circles will be able to see my real name.

I believe this is the very purpose of Google+ : allow people to fine tune the information they want to share on the internet. My real name is personal information. I have no problem to make it available on my profile, but not publicly.
I do not understand why it is allowed to have a pseudonymous Identity on Youtube but not on Google+. Is there only a particular reason to that or is it just an arbitrary decision?


XXX  XXX  XXX best known as Oldkid."

What do you think? Should I give up or defend the right to be pseudonymous on any internet service?

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